High Court to deliver decision on Cabraal’s plea on May 31

High Court to deliver decision on Cabraal’s plea on May 31

May 3, 2024   04:16 pm

The Colombo High Court today announced that it will deliver its decision on May 31 concerning the plea filed by four defendants, including former Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal, seeking the dismissal of the case filed against them by the Bribery Commission and the release of the defendants. 

The defendants stand accused of allegedly causing a staggering loss of over Rs. 1.8 billion to the government of Sri Lanka through investments in Greek bonds in 2012. 

When the hearing was presided over by Colombo High Court Judge Mr. Aditya Patabandige today (03), attorneys representing Mr. Ajith Nivard Cabraal and the co-defendants in the case had raised these preliminary objections.

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