Suspect arrested for aiding and abetting Ahungalla shooting

Suspect arrested for aiding and abetting Ahungalla shooting

May 14, 2024   12:04 pm

An individual who is suspected to have aided and abetted the recent shooting incident in the Ahungalla area has been arrested by the Police Special Task Force (STF) in the Kosgoda area.

A team of officers from the Southern Province Special Operations Unit of the Police STF have apprehended the suspect in the Duwamodara area of Kosgoda.

The apprehended individual, known by the alias “Adare,” is suspected to have aided the shooter in the fatal shooting which was carried out in the Ahungalla area on May 08. 

During the arrest, the Police STF has also taken into custody 1,150 mg of heroin and a mobile phone found in the suspect’s possession.

The suspect has since been handed over to Kosgoda police for further investigation, the police said.

The shooting incident, which resulted in the death of a 54-year-old individual, occurred in Ahungalla on Thursday (09). The assailants, who had arrived on a motorcycle at around 7.40 p.m., had called the victim out of his residence before opening fire at him.

The deceased individual has been identified as the father of an individual known by the alias “Baba,” a suspect implicated in various murders and criminal cases within the Southern Province. Therefore, police suspect the killing could be linked to the ongoing gang war between two underworld gangs in the south led by notorious figures known as “Kosgoda Sujee” and “Rathgama Vidura.”

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