Schools closed in several zones in Western Province

Schools closed in several zones in Western Province

June 3, 2024   07:06 pm

It has been decided to close all schools in the Gampaha and Kelaniya Educational Zones and Kaduwela Education Division tomorrow (04).

The decision has been reached by the Provincial Education Director of Western Province, in view of the current adverse weather conditions.

Earlier, the Ministry of Education announced that schools in several districts in the Western, Southern and Sabaragamuwa provinces will remain closed on Tuesday (04) due to the prevailing disaster situation.

Accordingly, the schools in the following districts and one education zone will be closed tomorrow;

Sabaragamuwa Province:
Ratnapura District – All schools
Kegalle District - All schools

Western Province:
Kalutara District - All schools
Colombo District – All schools in Homagama Education Zone

Meanwhile, all the schools in the Galle and Matara districts on Tuesday (June 04) and Wednesday (June 05) due to the prevailing adverse weather conditions, Governor of the Southern Province Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena said.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Education also highlighted that all schools across the island other than the schools in the aforementioned areas will be held as usual tomorrow (04).

Against this backdrop, the Department of Examinations announced that the commencement of the evaluation activities of 2023 (2024) G.C.E. Ordinary Level Examination’s answer sheets has been postponed until June 08, 2024, taking into account the difficulties that examiners might experience in reaching the evaluation centres amid adverse weather conditions.

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