President awards land deeds to people in Mannar under ‘Urumaya’ program

President awards land deeds to people in Mannar under ‘Urumaya’ program

June 16, 2024   12:11 pm

President Ranil Wickremesinghe highlighted that the “Urumaya” program has significantly boosted property values by securing land rights for the people. 

He emphasized that amidst economic challenges and the COVID-19 pandemic, the “Urumaya” initiative has played a crucial role in revitalizing property prices, thus contributing to the country’s economic resilience.

President Wickremesinghe made these remarks during his presence at a ceremony held at the Mannar Municipal Council Auditorium, where land deeds were distributed to the residents of the Mannar district under the national “Urumaya” program today (16), aiming to distribute 2 million freehold land deeds. 

As part of this initiative, 5,000 land deeds are designated for the Mannar district, with 442 deeds ceremonially handed over by the President on this occasion.

Additionally, the President distributed cheques intended for the procurement of fertilizer to local farmers in the Mannar district. He also oversaw the allocation of agricultural insurance compensation for crops damaged during adverse weather conditions, along with financial provisions for fishermen in the region to acquire fishing equipment.

During the event, Mannar District Secretary Mr. K. Kanakeswaran presented a memento to President Ranil Wickremesinghe in appreciation of his contributions.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe further stated:

“During my visit to the North last month, I made a promise to visit Mannar. We have initiated a development program specifically for Mannar. In the Northern region, approximately 90,000 families are asserting their land rights. Out of these, 45,000 families have clear eligibility for land deeds without any complications. I have instructed the Governor and the Northern Provincial Council to expedite action for the remaining 45,000 families.

Since 1935 until now, land in areas from Point Pedro to Dondra Point has only been issued through licenses to various communities. These licenses are subject to revocation at any time and do not provide secure tenure. Despite cultivating the land, farmers have not obtained ownership rights. Some farmers have been working on these lands for 85 years. Across the country, about 2 million families lack proper land rights. The Urumaya initiative has introduced the freehold land title program on their behalf.

The general public suffered greatly from the Covid-19 pandemic. As the country emerges from financial hardship, the benefits should reach the people.

Particularly, the Urumaya program is once again enhancing the value of people’s property. No other Asian country has implemented such a widespread free land rights initiative, making the Urumaya program revolutionary for our nation.

Furthermore, we are actively working to provide homeownership to 250,000 apartment owners in the Western Province. The government is dedicated to supporting those affected by the economic downturn.

During the war, people in the North had to abandon their homes, properties, and lands. For the first time, they now have the opportunity to live under secure land rights. I urge everyone to safeguard these land rights that you have acquired. This will pave the way for both personal and national economic advancement.”


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