Railway guard falls from moving train, disrupting services on Main Line

Railway guard falls from moving train, disrupting services on Main Line

June 16, 2024   01:39 pm

Railway operations on the main line were disrupted today (16) as the chief railway guard of a train traveling from Colombo Fort to Trincomalee had fallen from the moving train in the Ganemulla area early this morning.

The train, which had departed from Colombo Fort railway station at 5:45 a.m., has made a stop at Gampaha railway station to board passengers. However, the train driver had not received a signal from the chief guard to resume the journey, prompting a lengthy delay. It was later discovered that the chief railway guard was missing from his compartment in the train.

Further investigation revealed that he had fallen from the train in the winding area near Hemamali Vidyalaya, between Ganemulla and Bulagahagoda railway stations. Sources from the Department of Railways stated that the guard had fallen onto the adjacent railway track.

However, the local residents had taken steps to hospitalise the railway employee who sustained injuries in the accident. Hospital sources said that his condition is not critical. 

He is a resident of the Oruthota area of Gampaha, the Department of Railway said.

Meanwhile, the incident caused the train to remain at Gampaha railway station for an extended period, disrupting railway operations on the main line. Subsequently, another chief railway guard was dispatched from Colombo Fort to resume operations and had proceeded with the train’s journey towards Trincomalee.

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