Damaged pipeline: Water supply to 85,000 housing units yet to be restored

Damaged pipeline: Water supply to 85,000 housing units yet to be restored

June 18, 2024   03:17 pm

The National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWS&DB) says that even though the damaged transmission pipeline from the Kalatuwawa Treatment Plant has been repaired, the water supply to around 85,000 housing units is yet to be restored. 

However, the water board said that the situation is likely to normalise by around 6.00 p.m. today (18).

The water transmission pipeline supplying water from the Kalatuwawa Treatment Plant had been damaged at Godagama near the High-Level Road owing to a vehicular accident. 

A car had veered off the road and collided with the water transmission pipeline in the early hours of yesterday (17) causing severe damage to the pipeline.

As a result of the incident, the water supply to over 100,000 housing units in the Godagama, Homagama, Pannipitiya, Pelanwatta, Rukmalgama and Mattegoda areas was interrupted since last morning.

Repair work on the damaged pipeline was carried out last night and water board stated that it was restored at around 4.00 a.m. this morning (18). 

Although the supply has been restored, the water supply to over 85,000 housing units in the affected areas are yet to be restored, according to the NWS&DB.

It is further reported that this situation has caused significant challenges for residents in those areas in carrying out their daily tasks.

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