Karuna Amman to back Ranil at presidential poll

Karuna Amman to back Ranil at presidential poll

June 19, 2024   06:01 pm

Leader of the Tamil United Freedom Front (TUFF), former MP Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias ‘Karuna Amman’, says that both he and his party will support President Ranil Wickremesinghe at the upcoming Presidential Election. 

The former LTTE commander turned politician revealed this while speaking to reporters while attending the opening of United National Party (UNP) office in Panadura today (19). 

“We have to appreciate our President Ranil Wickremesinghe, because he only rebuilt the country.”

“Everybody knows the history. The last President spoilt the whole sector, even the businesses and the people’s livelihood. Everything went down,” the former deputy minister said. 

He stated that only after UNP leader Wickremesinghe took over the Presidency has the situation improved in the country and things are turning for the better. 

“The next chance also we have to give to him. That’s why I’m also supporting him,” Karuna Amman declared.  

He claimed that especially the Tamil people in the North and East are going to vote for Wickremesinghe at the next presidential poll. “There is no any question.” 

“All the people are ready to support His Excellency President Ranil Wickremesinghe. That’s why I’m also supporting him. Our party also perfectly are going to support Ranil Wickremesinghe,” he added.  

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