Results: 3

Police Inspector arrested for assaulting woman

Police Inspector arrested for assaulting woman

A Police Inspector attached to the Medirigiriya Police Station has been arrested for assaulting a woman in Palugasdhamana, Polonnaruwa. MORE..

May 30, 2015  05:10 pm|

Police Inspector arrested for accepting bribe

Police Inspector arrested for accepting bribe

An Inspector attached to the Ahungalla Police Station has been arrested on charges of soliciting a bribe. MORE..

April 9, 2015  11:54 am|

Sub-Inspector arrested for molesting underage girl

Sub-Inspector arrested for molesting underage girl

A Sub-Inspector (SI) has been arrested in the Uragasmanhandiya area on charges of molesting an 11-year-old school girl at her residence, police said. MORE..

April 1, 2015  03:06 pm|
